Daily Devotional – Sunday, December 18, 2022
Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?
Hebrews 1:14 (NKJV)
When a person tells you, “I am at your service”, be ready for a good experience. It means that individual is at your disposal and will assist you in every possible way. This person is essentially telling you to relax and enjoy the privilege of service.
God’s Ministering Agents
That is what God does to us when we enter into a covenant relationship with Him. He assigns us angels to take care of us. Here is Paul’s description of angels: “Are they not all ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation?” (Hebrews 1:14).
God assigns us angels to be at our service at all times. Each of us has a guardian angel. What a privilege to be served by heavenly beings! God allows the same angels who serve Him to minster to the needs of His faithful followers.
Enjoying Angelic Voices
Because we are God’s children, He offers us the best service. He sends angels on errands for our sake. These invisible heavenly spirits never leave our presence. They look after our welfare and report to God. They offer us topnotch guarding services round the clock.
The Bible narrates instances where angels served human beings, especially the righteous. Just as angels served Gideon, Moses, Abraham ad many others, they are at our disposal today. God will spare nothing to ensure we Inherit eternal life.
The Privilege of Having Angels at Your Service!
As you go about your day, remember you are not alone. When you feel lost and in need of rescue, ask God for His ministering spirits. You enjoy this unfathomable privilege because you have accepted the gift of eternal life. God’s angels are at your service.
Thank You, Jesus, for placing Your ministering angels at my service.
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God bless you.
My dear guardian angel present my prayer request to heaven for divine intervention
Amen, Solomon.