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A Stronghold for the Oppressed

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, June 26, 2024
The LORD also will be a refuge for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.
Psalms 9:9 (NKJV)

We frequently feel oppressed—pressed down by circumstances, overwhelmed by difficulties, or burdened by the weight of the world—when faced with life’s hardships and tribulations. According to Psalm 9:9–10, the Lord is not far off or unaffected by our difficulties. He makes a conscious effort to present Himself as a stronghold—a secure place where we can receive comfort, assurance, and power.

A Refuge in Times of Trouble
The idea of God as a stronghold reflects His steadfast power. A stronghold was a fortified location of refuge from attacks in ancient times, a place where one might steadfastly oppose adversaries. God, in a similar way, is our fortress against the spiritual and material conflicts we encounter. Not only is God conscious of the difficulties we encounter, but He also cares deeply about our welfare.

Though we know that we are not alone in facing difficulties, we are not immune from them as Christians. Our God is a seeing, caring, and intervening God for His people. When we experience oppression—from situations, feelings, or outside forces—let us turn to Him with all of our hearts.

A Stronghold for the Oppressed
God is a stronghold for the oppressed. Let His word sustain and rekindle your hope throughout difficult times. Seek out believers who can encourage you, pray with you, and serve as a reminder of God’s faithfulness. Put your faith in God’s direction as you move forward. God can sometimes deliver us when we obey Him and remain steadfast in our faith.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for being our stronghold and haven during difficult times. Lord, please give us the courage and strength to live bravely for Your honor.

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