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Listen Again

Key Text: Job 33:14-15

For God speaks in one way, and in two, though man does not perceive it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on men, while they slumber on their beds.

 Meditation: Genesis 22: God’s instruction to Abraham to sacrifice his only son.

 Key Thought: Abraham needed to hear the voice of God many times for him to know God better. We must be open to God’s voice guiding us to change direction even when we are being called to engage in unconventional conduct. Christians must listen earnestly to the voice of God guiding them to reach greater heights in their spiritual and material lives.

Abraham and God

We first encounter Abraham in Genesis Chapter 12 when God calls him to leave his people and go to a place God would show him. It is evident that Abraham was used to hearing God’s and could tell when God was speaking to him.

Taking the Relationship to the Next Phase: Genesis 22

Verse 1: God wanted to take the relationship with Abraham to another level. Often God tests our faith to help us enter into a more fulfilling and profound relationship with Him. Every Christian must expect that God will at some point allow them to be tested.

Verse 2: God’s directive, though, was strange. How could God require Abraham to offer his only son, the son of the promise, as a human sacrifice, like the heathen did? Was this really God? Abraham obeyed because he was so close to God; he knew it was God instructing him, even though God’s demand was out-of-the-ordinary. God may call upon us to take actions that we and the people around us may not fully comprehend. Thinks of Hosea being told to marry a prostitute, Jonah being send to hostile Nineveh

Note that God did not tell Abraham the exact mountain where he would sacrifice Isaac, only that God would show Abraham the mountain when he would reach the Moriah mountain. Again, Abraham needed to trust God to give him exact instructions. He needed to continue listening.

Verses 3 and 4: Abraham obeyed God and traveled for 3 days with his son and servants. What might have been going on in Abraham’s mind? Is it possible he was tempted to quit and give up on God? He must have been in communion with God because when he was afar off, He saw the place of sacrifice.

Verse 5: Abraham decided to leave the young servants at the foot of the mountain. He might have feared they would dissuade him from God’s instructions. Sometimes when God wants to lead us to our destiny, we must get rid of some of our closest confidants. God may require you to let go of relationships and linkages that may hinder you from your destiny. Note that Abraham did not tell them of his mission. At times we need to stop talking and start listening to God.

Note that Abraham was so confident with God that he indicated that he and Isaac would return after ‘worshipping’.

 Verses 6 to 8: Abraham was confident that God would provide the sacrifice. He expressed faith in God. He sowed a seed of faith in young Isaac.

Verses 9 and 10: Abraham was still determined to follow the will of God. He prepared Isaac as the sacrifice, and was ready to kill his son. He seemed to have faith in God providing him another son, in case Isaac was to die.

Verses 11 and 12: Note that Abraham needed to hear God’s voice again otherwise he would have killed his son. Are we listening to the voice of God? Are we so stuck in our traditional ways of doing things that we don’t hear the voice of God telling us to take a different direction? Is there a relationship, job, plan etc. that God may be telling us to turn from but we are not listening to Him? Are we so stuck with conventional Christianity that we are oblivious to new doors that God is opening for saving souls?

Verse 13 and 14: When God directs, He provides. When we keep listening to God, he provides for our needs. God answers prayers in response to having faith in Him, continuing to listen and obey His voice. Those who follow God should have the assurance that He will always guide them with His voice. God will be waiting on the finishing line after the test.

 Closing Thoughts

Let us be open to the many ways God is giving us new instructions in life. As Job 33: 14-15, God speaks in diverse ways. Learn to identify and obey His voice whether through a dream, vision, fellow Christians, non-believers, your experiences and any other means He may choose. More importantly, be so familiar with God that when He decides to change the direction of your life, you will know it is Him.

Listen again, child of God.

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