My name is Joseph Maina Kabui, a Bible Teacher, Church Elder, Author and Blogger. Welcome to the home of incisive, inspiring Bible-based daily devotionals. May God bless you as you feast on spiritual manna every day.
The Bible, Family and Worship
Family and worship are key pillars of Christianity. Scripture is rich with directives and indications that God values worship within the family setting.
It is God who established the family institution in Eden when he created Adam and Eve. He commanded them to multiply and fill the earth (Genesis 1:28). From the practices of Cain and Abel, it is evident that their parents had taught them how to worship God, the right way.
As Abraham journeyed, he would erect an altar wherever he went (Genesis 12:7). The man of faith would offer morning and evening sacrifice to Jehovah. Even when Abraham and his family migrated, those altars would witness to other people, of the true living God.
Passing the Baton
During the Exodus from Egypt, God established a system of worship that included morning and evening sacrifices by priests (Exodus 25:8). He also commanded Israelite parents to instruct their children in the teachings of the scripture (Deuteronomy 6:4-9).
Paul (in 2 Timothy 1:5) commended Timothy’s genuine faith, which stemmed from godly teachings by Timothy’s mother (Eunice) and grandmother (Loise). The gospels also indicate that Christ underwent religious education in his childhood.
There are many more examples, which we shall explore together in this daily spiritual journey.
Our Homes Today
The normal human being you meet on the street, in church, in school, at work, and so on, is to a large measure, a product of the quality his or her upbringing. The speech, actions and overall conduct of an individual reflect the beliefs and values they are / were taught at home.
The home is the most important school where attitudes are formed, motives cultivated and character moulded, for good or for evil. Parents and guardians have a God-given responsibility of inculcating the principles of godliness and worship in their children (Proverbs 22:6). These parents and guardians, too, require spiritual nourishment.
The Bible, the blueprint of God’s purposes, intentions and dealings with men, is rich in content that families can utilize to grow in faith.
Why Daily Family Devotions?
What quality of offspring are we releasing into society every day? What nature of inheritance (in form of children’s characters) will we bequeath the world, when the curtain falls on our time on earth?
Our online family devotionals are created for either morning or evening worship in families. We use language that accessible to both adults and children, so that your children can also take part in reading out assigned portions.
We hope these family online devotionals will revitalize worship and reverence for God in your home. Like Abraham and his household, let us erect altars for God every day, wherever we live. Let praise, worship and prayer ascend to God like a sweet-smelling fragrance from every home.
This is our sincere prayer at Daily Family Devotions, in Jesus’ Name. Amen