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Are You a ‘Christian-Liar’?

Daily Devotional—Monday, February 17, 2025
If we say that we have fellowship with Him and walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth.
1 John 1:6 (NKJV)

As Christ-followers, we frequently claim to have fellowship with Him. We pray, go to church, and sing worship songs. However, 1 John 1:6 pushes us to consider if that relationship is actually reflected in our lives. Indeed, we can be ‘Christian-liars’ if we profess to follow Jesus, yet our lives are not in harmony with God’s will.

We Lie and Do Not Practice the Truth

Walking in darkness is a metaphor for sin, dishonesty, and a life that is not in accordance with God’s truth. We fool ourselves and everyone around us when we act in a way that is inconsistent with God’s word and principles of righteousness. To truly have fellowship with God, we must walk in the light.

Do we still entertain darkness in some aspects of our lives despite claiming to be followers of Christ? Perhaps it’s an unforgiving heart, a habit we can’t break, or concerns we defend. God asks us to be truthful about our lives. We should bring our difficulties into His light, where He provides forgiveness and transformation, rather than hiding in the darkness.

Are You a ‘Christian-Liar’?

While we may not be perfect, we need to be sincere in our attempts to fully follow Christ. We must eschew sin and seek God’s atoning grace, bringing our words, thoughts, and deeds into harmony with His Word. Further, we need to demonstrate our commitment with truthfulness in both our everyday decisions and our speech. That is how we avoid becoming ‘Christian liars.’.

Father in heaven, help me to walk in the light, match my profession with my character, and avoid becoming a ‘Christian-liar’.

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