Daily Devotional – Sunday, May 28, 2023
Then the Pharisees answered them, “Are you also deceived? Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him?”
John 7:47-48 (NKJV)
In Matthew 24, Jesus gave the signs that would precede His second coming. The first one was, “Take heed that no one deceives you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many.” (Verses 4 & 5). He added, “Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.” (Verse 11).
Misled to the Grave
Interestingly, I live in country where a man is claiming to be the real Jesus. He has many followers. He uses the Bible to teach that he has returned on earth to continue with his ‘mission’ of saving souls. He even has ‘disciples’ and ‘angels’ who assist him in his work!
Even worse is the case of a popular preacher who has convinced his followers to fast to death, as this will bring them into the presence of Jesus! Currently, the government is exhuming bodies buried in mass graves. Many of the victims are adults who sold their property and went to live with the cult leader in the bush.
Are You Fooled Too?
Why are people so easily deceived despite Christ’s unambiguous prophecies and warnings on the event of the last days? We find the answer in an interesting narration of the early attempts by chief priests and Pharisees to arrest Jesus.
The zealous religious leaders have sent some men to capture Jesus but the arresting officers return without the Galilean teacher. When asked to explain their inaction, the officers retort, “No man ever spoke like this Man!” (John 7:46).
Are You Also Led Astray?
The enraged chief priests and Pharisees berate the officers, “Are you also deceived? Have any of the rulers or the Pharisees believed in Him? But this crowd that does not know the law is accursed.” (John 7:47-49).
These teachers of the law could not believe Jesus was the Messiah because their leaders did not follow Jesus. It did not matter what the scriptures taught. What was important was the beliefs and pronouncement of the religious leaders.
Are You Also Deceived?
Deception occurs when we place our beliefs in human beings and not God. Fake messiahs and false prophets thrive because people are too lazy to read the Bible. Believers would rather rely on human beings to interpret the Bible for them.
Are you also deceived? Are the beliefs you subscribe to biblical? Do you countercheck the teachings of your religious leaders with Bible truths? Are you able to identify a false messiah or prophet? Do you read the Bible for yourself, with the help of the Holy Spirit?
Lord Jesus, create in me desire for You word and give me wisdom to discern deceptions and false teachers.
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