Daily Devotional – Saturday, May 20, 2023
So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.
Romans 10:17 (NKJV)
As a young man in church, I greatly admired the church elder who taught me the Bible. His profound knowledge of scripture mirrored his faith. I later realized that he was drinking from the fountain of faith.
Quenching Spiritual Thirst
Recently, I met yet another man who modeled faith in God so well that I desired to have similar qualities to his. I told him how I had always admired his knowledge of the word of God and his faith. As we talked, I realized that he was still an ardent student of scripture despite his advanced age.
He reminded me of one of my university roommates. The way this man talked about God, you would think he spent his nights in heaven and returned in the morning to attend his classes. I never heard him complain for the time I lived with him. Again, he was a passionate reader of the Bible and other spiritual books.
Faith Comes by Hearing the Word of God
In these and many other cases, there is an unambiguous link between faith and the deliberate study of scripture. In the words of Apostle Paul, “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Romans 10:17).
It is true faith is a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8-9). However, faith can wane thus necessitating a fresh supply (Luke 17:5). Now you can understand Paul’s assertion that only by continuing to listen to the word of God can our faith increase.
Imbibing From the Well of Faith
If you are keen, you will notice that the more you read and meditate on God’s word the more your faith increases. As we interact and commune with God in His word, we learn to trust His promises and to piously every day.
Scripture teaches us to cast our cares on God and to let Him meet our daily needs even as we continue working. The Bible instructs us not to worry because God is in control of our lives and has noble plans for us. Hence, we can speak confidently about God’s ability and goodness and face the challenges of life with faith and confidence.
Are You Drinking From the Fountain of Faith?
If you are running low on faith, you are not drinking from the fountain of faith. Come up with a systematic plan for reading the Bible and other spiritual books. Make sure your day starts and ends with a session at the feet of Jesus. Daily Family Devotions is a good place to start as you explore other strategies.
Lord Jesus, always remind me to drink from the fountain of faith that is Your word. I want my faith to grow daily.