Daily Devotional – Thursday, February 27, 2025
The lamp of the body is the eye. Therefore, when your eye is good, your whole body also is full of light. But when your eye is bad, your body also is full of darkness.
Luke 11:34 (NKJV)
Jesus compares the eye to a lamp that lights up the soul. Our hearts and minds are shaped by the things we focus on. This explains why some people walk in the light while others live in darkness, in a spiritual sense. Whereas an unhealthy eye is obscured by sin, diversions, and worldly cravings, a healthy eye perceives truth, grace, and God’s presence in everyday life.
The Lamp of The Body is the Eye
We are continuously exposed to images and messages in our modern society, some of which are beneficial and others of which are detrimental. What are we focusing our attention on? Are we looking at the creation, the Word, and the love that God has for us? Or do we let temptation, fear, and greed obstruct our judgment?
When our hearts are aligned to Jesus, we perceive life with faith, clarity, and discernment. Christ’s light fills us when we look toward Him, changing the way we think and behave. However, we fall into darkness if we permit our spiritual eyesight to become tainted.
Are You Protecting the Lamp of the Body?
What factors are diming the light of your body? In what ways can you turn your attention to Jesus? Do you have any distractions that prevent you from seeing God’s light clearly and completely? Let us beg God to clear our eyes so we can see as He does, allowing His dazzling light to permeate our souls.
Father in heaven, remove everything that is obstructing my vision so that I may see clearly, walk in Your ways, and show the world Your love.
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