Daily Devotional, Sunday, April 3, 2022
Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28 (NKJV)
There is no burden as heavy as guilt. When we commit a felony or hurt other people, we experience turmoil within us. We fear to meet those we have offended.
A police officer once told me that by watching the eye movement and mannerisms of a person, it is possible to know whether the individual has committed a crime.
Consequences of Carrying Burdens of Guilt
Our burdens of guilt can be so heavy that we lose our minds. I know a town where there are many mad people who are known to have killed innocent people during ethnic clashes.
Many cases of suicide are also attributable to overwhelming guilt. A culpable person may consider himself beyond pardon, hence resorting to suicide.
Come to Me all You Who Labor and are Heavy Laden
hank God, there is One who accepts us as we are; forgives us, and take our burdens of guilt away. His name is Jesus. He encourages us, “Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28).
Jesus does not ask us to get rid of our burdens of sin and guilty before He can give us rest. He wants us to come us we are. The Lord is ready to carry our burdens but we must first bring them to Him.
Are You Tired of Carrying a Burden of Guilt?
How long will you carrying an overwhelming burden of guilt? Go to Jesus now. Ask Him to forgive you. Do the same with those you have hurt. Enjoy the rest that comes with forgiveness.
Lord Jesus Christ. I come to You with my burden of guilt and sin. Please forgive me and give me rest.
I have Come the way I am.Dear Lord Jesus,May you Sanctify Me by your Blood.Amen
May God hear your prayer, my Chairman