Daily Devotional – Friday, January 6, 2022
I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?
Nehemiah 6:3 (NKJV)
In the pursuit of spiritual and temporal goals, we must be on the lookout for distractors and dream killers. The distance between our plans and their attainment is replete with obstacles, some of them self-imposed, others emanating from our friends and enemies.
Vision Assassins
The rebuilding of the Jerusalem wall presents a classic example of dream killers (Read Nehemiah 6). Sanballat and Tobiah, leaders of local tribes that surrounded the ruined city, sought to dissuade and discourage the Jews from rebuilding the wall.
The enemies used ridicule and threats of physical harm against the returnees. Nehemiah, the project manager and leader of the rebuilders organized the people to ensure there was adequate security and that the project did not stall.
Remaining Focused on the Goal
Had Nehemiah and his people succumbed to the mockery and intimidations from Sanballat and Tobiah, they would have abandoned the project. Because they remained focused on the task, relied on God and applied divine wisdom, the Jews rebuilt the wall.
Further, before Nehemiah could install the doors and the gates of Jerusalem, Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem attempted to distract this leader from the task once again. This time, they sent for Nehemiah with the intention to harm him.
Satan Dissuades us From Our Dreams
Nehemiah discerned the intentions of the three distractors, he replied, “I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?” (Nehemiah 6:3).
The devil operates like Sanballat, Tobiah and Geshem. When he realizes we have noble goals and targets that will propel us to spiritual and material prosperity, he uses all manner of threats, ridicule and distractions to kill our dreams.
Beware of Distractors and Dream Killers
We must beware of distractions and dream killers from inside and outside ourselves, too. For example, relatives and friends (sometimes with good intentions) can discourage us from attaining our goals. Similarly, if we allow fear and doubt to control us, we will veer of the path of success.
If we adopt Nehemiah’s attitude, we will value our goals and accompanying activities above all attempts to discourage us. To those who try to kill our dreams, we will respond, “I am doing a great work. Why should I allow you to distract me and kill my dream?”
Lord Jesus, help me to remain focused and implement the goals I have set for this year and not allow distractors and dream killers to derail me.
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