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Beware of These Thorns of Life

Daily Devotional: Saturday, June 15, 2024
And the cares of this world, the deceitfulness of riches, and the desires for other things entering in choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful.
Mark 4:19 (NKJV)

In His explanation of the Parable to the Sower, Jesus highlights three main factors that can hinder spiritual development: anxieties, greed, and longing for other things. All these things have the potential to become thorns, enveloping the seed of God’s Word and keeping it from bearing fruit in our lives.

Beware of the Prickles of Life

The “worries of this life”—our work, health, relationships, and a host of other obligations—can easily enmesh us. Even while they are real and significant parts of our life, they have the power to take over our minds and cause us to forget about our spiritual health.

Further, riches can never really satisfy the deep need in our hearts that only God can meet, but they do promise stability, fulfillment, and purpose. The pursuit of wealth has the potential to distance us from God and turn us from being God-dependent to self-sufficient.

Beware of These Thorns of Life

Moreover, although not intrinsically bad, the worries of this world might turn into idols if they become more important to us than our connection with God. Anything that takes precedence over God in our lives—be it relationships, careers, or pastimes—can stifle the Word of God.

In order to nurture a rich spiritual life, we need to carefully recognize and pull out these thorns. To live productive lives that exalt God, let us pledge to tend to the seed of God’s Word in our hearts, keeping watchful against anything that can impede its growth.

Dear God, please assist me in identifying the thorns that threaten to stifle Your Word and render it useless in my life.

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