Daily Devotional – Friday, June 2022
You can’t depend on anyone, not even a great leader.
Psalm 146:3 (Contemporary English Version)
My country is conducting general elections this year. Many renowned and aspiring politicians have offered themselves for reelection or election.
At a time when the economy is deteriorating and desperation is increasing, politicians have fashioned themselves as Messiahs who will rescue citizens from poverty, unemployment and other challenges.
You Can’t Depend On Anyone
oters have swallowed the bait. Many believe that their political idols will perform economic miracles once elected, even if the some of these politicians still wield political and economic power.
A Spirit-filled David foresaw such a scenario and warned, “You can’t depend on anyone, not even a great leader.” Psalm 146:3 (Contemporary English Version). Scripture condemns idolizing of human beings.
We should remember that human beings are imperfect and prone to error. A politician, for example, will promise the impossible for the sake of winning an election. As believers, we must also watch out lest we worship our spiritual leaders.
Cursed is the Man Who Trusts in Man
Even in our most desperate situations, we must remember that only God is powerful enough to make real transformative change in our lives. He possesses unlimited resources and has our best interests at heart.
So detestable is the worship of leaders that God declares, “Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD.” (Jeremiah 17:5, NIV).
Before you place your favourite leader above God in your life, remember the LORD says, “…I, the LORD your God, am a jealous God.” (Exodus 20:5). He does not share His glory with human beings.
Lord Jesus, I full depend on and trust You. No human being will take Your place in my life.
Awesome devotion, no human being will your place in my life lord Jesus.
Amen, George. That is my prayer, too.
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