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Can Anything Good Come Out of This?

Daily Devotional – Friday, July 5, 2026
And Nathanael said to him, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”
John 1:46 (NKJV)

There was a big question hanging in the air in the sleepy village of Nazareth. “Can anything good come from here?” Through the millennia, Nathanael’s doubt has resonated, a sentiment we frequently reflect in our own hearts and minds. How frequently do we make snap decisions or apply incomplete knowledge to individuals, locations, or circumstances?

Bringing Good Out of Bad

Nazareth was an impoverished village without much fame or fortune. It was an area where obscurity and simplicity seemed to be the norm. However, Jesus of Nazareth—the Savior who would alter the path of history, provide hope to the hopeless, and bring light into the darkness—emerged from this same location.

God frequently uses the unanticipated, the disregarded, and the seemingly trivial to further His goals and display His glory. Sometimes we may feel in our own lives like Nazareth—commonplace, ignored, or even derided. But God’s perspective of us is distinct. He recognizes our capacity, our latent talents, and the special ways He may employ us for the advancement of His kingdom.

Can Anything Good Come Out of This?

Accepting that God can work through even the most difficult situations or modest beginnings to accomplish His good and perfect will, let us embrace humility. Be slow to judge or write someone off.

May we be open to God’s changing power and believe that God may truly unveil His glory and bring forth abundant blessings from the most unlikely of places and circumstances. Let us bear witness and confidently declare as we go in faith and humility: Yes, God can bring forth immeasurable good from Nazareth, from every region of the planet, and from every human heart.

All-Powerful God, I am grateful for Your promise that You can bring good out of what appears to be detestable.

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