Daily Devotional – Sunday, July 28, 2024
As a father pities his children, so the LORD pities those who fear Him.
Psalm 103:13 (NKJV)
One of Scripture’s most endearing and accessible imagery is that of a father’s compassion. A lovely analogy between the unending mercy of our Heavenly Father and the love of an earthly father can be found in Psalm 103:13. God’s love for us is very intimate.
As a Father Pities His Children
In our human experience, a father’s empathy or sympathy frequently results from his awareness of his children’s needs and vulnerabilities. Despite his everlasting devotion for them, He is aware of their inadequacies, worries, and challenges. God’s compassion stems from His complete comprehension of who we are—our frailties, our anxieties, and our overwhelming need for His grace.
We are totally dependent on God, just as a child is totally dependent on their father for love, protection, and provision. Rather than being ashamed of this dependence, we should accept it as a normal aspect of our relationship with Him. God’s sympathy or compassion is a reaction to our lowly acknowledgment of our dependence on Him.
Celebrating Our Compassionate Father
Our Heavenly Father is aware of our internal battles and sees past our external deeds. God is aware of our deepest emotions, just as a caring father may sense when his child is in need of consolation or is in pain. This profound comprehension and His desire to console and assist us are the sources of His compassion.
Take a comment to celebrate our Compassionate Father by reflecting on His kindness towards you. Demonstrate the same kindness to people around you as you have received from God. Let your growing awareness of His kindness strengthen your bond with Him and help you to develop a heart that is trustworthy and respectful.
Merciful Father, I am very grateful for Your infinite kindness and compassion.
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