Daily Devotional – Tuesday, June 6, 2023
Discover for yourself that the LORD is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad.
Psalm 34:8 (Contemporary English Version)
One of the most interesting stories about David is when he pretended to be mad. The future King was running from the reigning king (Saul) and decided to hide (conveniently) among the Philistines, Israel’s avowed enemies.
‘Insane’ David in Danger
It did not take long, however, for the locals to discover that David was the Hebrew boy who had killed the Philistine’s revered giant warrior, Goliath, years before. The Philistines even recounted how David had become a hero in Israel, complete with praise songs.
On realizing that his cover had been blown, David pretended to be mad. Achish, the King of Gath, was not ready to have the ‘insane’ in his presence. Sensing danger, David fled to the cave of Adullam, where his family joined him.
Ascertaining God’s Faithfulness
It is from this cave that David wrote one of the most beautiful psalms in the Bible. It is a celebration of the goodness of God, who delivers David from enemies. The son of Jesse recounts the faithfulness of God and desires that other people may have a real encounter with God.
In verse 34, the psalmist states, “Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good. Blessed is the man who trusts in Him!” The Contemporary English Version renders this verse, “Discover for yourself that the LORD is kind. Come to him for protection, and you will be glad.”
Taste and See that the LORD is Good
David has experienced trials that have tested his faith severely. Were it not for the God’s protection, David would be dead. He has seen the hand of God. The Lord has also not forsaken His servant despite the failings of the latter. In essence, David has tasted the goodness of the Lord.
Now it is your turn to discover God for yourself. Through trials and challenges, you will forge a personal relationship with your heavenly Father. As you enjoy the tender mercies and providences of God, you will realize that He is good and loving.
Discover God for Yourself
Your walk with God is a daily process. Every day, you taste something delicious in the kingdom of God. No longer will you rely on the testimonies of other people to know God. You will discover for yourself who God is through a life of regular Bible study and prayer. He will become you bosom friend.
Dear Father, I want to discover You for myself. As we commune with you in Bible study and prayer, reveal Yourself to me.
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Amen.I’m blessed by this word🙏🙏
You are welcome, Ken.
Amen 🙏
Be blessed, Martin.