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Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

Daily Devotional – Saturday, August 3, 2024
Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin.
Zechariah 4:10 (NLT)

It is easy to forget about modest beginnings and baby steps in the rush of life. We frequently aspire to great accomplishments, instant results, and quick changes. However, the Bible tells us that modest beginnings should not be discounted or underappreciated.

Appreciate Humble Starts

Zechariah 4:10 exhorts us to acknowledge the importance of these little beginnings and to have faith in the divine process at work. Even though our simple actions of obedience, devotion, and faith initially seem insignificant, they have enormous potential in God’s hands. Small, seemingly insignificant steps are frequently the beginning of a spiritual journey.

Every tiny beginning matters, whether it is a new job, a personal routine, or a seemingly minor deed of kindness. God appreciates our faithfulness in the little things and makes use of them to lay the groundwork for bigger things. Development requires time. As a seed needs time and care to mature into a healthy plant, so too must our endeavors and personal development. Have faith that God is at work in the background, even if you don’t notice anything right away.

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

Think back for a moment to a small beginning in your life. How might God be constructing something bigger with this moment? Give Him credit for this meager beginning and seek His direction as you proceed, believing in His ideal schedule and purpose. God’s timing and ours don’t always coincide. He enjoys seeing the task get underway and frequently utilizes these beginnings to impart to us qualities like tenacity, faith, and dependence on Him.

Please help me to be patient and dependable, and to appreciate and cherish the small beginnings in my life.

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