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Do Not Harden Your Heart

Daily Devotional – Thursday, August 22, 2024
Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.
Hebrews 3:15 (NKJV)

Owing to the pressures and challenges we encounter in this life, our hearts can become walled off over time, even though we may not realize it at first. Our key text urges us to guard against this subtle but perilous spiritual drift by not hardening our hearts when God speaks to us.

Today, if You Will Hear His Voice

During their wilderness sojourn, some Israelites allowed their hearts to harden in spite of constantly receiving heavenly provision and experiencing miraculous manifestations. They questioned, grumbled, and rejected God’s promises. Their calcified hearts caused them to lose out on chances to get closer to God and enjoy His benefits more fully.

If we are careless, the same thing can happen to us. Hardness of heart might result from ongoing hardships, unmet expectations, or disappointments. When we allow God’s promises to be overshadowed by these unpleasant experiences, our hearts may become hard and unresponsive and doubtful of God.

Do Not Harden Your Heart

Our guiding verse, however, reminds us, “Today, if you will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts.” This is a call to continue being open to God’s wisdom and grace. It is an urgent appeal to obedience and trust that softens our hearts in the face of difficult circumstances.

Think for a moment about any situations in your life where you feel like your heart has hardened. Have you had any particular setbacks or uncertainties that have caused you to doubt God’s goodness? Ask God to open your heart to these revelations, and ask Him to help you not to harden your heart.

Father in heaven, may Your Spirit soften my heart and guide me to follow Your paths always.

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