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Do Not Judge!

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, January 24, 2023
Judge not, that you be not judged.
Matthew 7:1 (NKJV)

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus took a different trajectory from the religious teachers of his day, saying, and “Judge not, that you be not judged.” (Matthew 7:1). Owing to their elevated positions as God’s chosen nation, ancient Jews took it upon themselves to harshly criticize their neighbours.

Do Not Criticize

In this class also were the Samaritans, descendants of ethnic Israelites who had intermarried with foreigners. In a Jew’s estimation, non-Jews would never see the gates of heaven. It was, therefore, surprising (and detestable) for Jesus (an ethnic Jew) to warn against judging others.

Of course, Jesus was not talking about judicial processs, for a judge must listen to both the accuser and the accused before rendering a fair judgment. Neither was Christ negating the work of a gospel minister who must condemn open sin among members of the body of Christ.

Do Not Condemn

Rather, in warning His hearers not to judge, Jesus was against contemptuous faultfinding and condemning people for their supposed evil motives. The Lord warned against judging people without having verifiable facts of the sins such people were accused of committing.

Centuries earlier, King Solomon had spoken plainly in describing those who occupy the high office of a judge without having the requisite fundamental qualifications. He stated, “He who answers a matter before he hears it, It is folly and shame to him.” (Proverbs 18:13).

Stop Judging

When we judge and condemn people without listening to them, we destroy families and other social linkages. Some people leave church never to return because there were condemned harshly, without the spirit of love that should pervade Christian churches.

Because we are Bible readers, teachers, preachers, prayer warriors, regular churchgoers and faithful tithers, we think we have the right and authority to criticize those who are different from us, irrespective of their spiritual maturity, their personal faith experiences and our limited knowledge of their situations.

Do Not Judge

Before you judge another person, remember that only God reads the motives and thoughts and only He can give a fair judgement. In addition, think about your own open and hidden sinfulness, which can make the person you criticize a near-paragon. Ask yourself, how would I want people to treat me if they discovered my sinfulness and weaknesses? Do not judge!

Lord Jesus, show me how best to live according to your command, “Judge not.”

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Lord, help me judge not.

Duncan Mutwiri Simon

Sometimes I find myself having judged and it’s not the will of God. God help me


Here’s the science of living. I’ve gained something

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