Daily Devotional – Tuesday, August 31, 2021
A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.
Proverbs 18:16 (NKJV)
According to Forbes Magazine, Conor McGregor was the highest paid athlete in 2021, earning a whopping $180 million. Soccer players, Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo earned $130 million and $120 million respectively.
Generally, athletes rake in millions of dollars annually. They live in the best neighborhoods and lead posh lives. Many people would love that kind of lifestyle.
That said, in their earlier ages, many of these talented people are not highly regarded. They succeeded out of sheer hard work and determination. If academic excellence were the only criterion for success, they would not have made it in life.
This should not, however, been misconstrued to mean that those who excel in academia do not succeed in life. Millions of people live comfortably, thanks to the relentless pursuit of excellence in their chosen professions.
Whether one excels through academia or harnessing of talent and skills, there is a common element. Proverbs 18:16 says, “A man’s gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.”
One of the fastest and noblest paths to greatness is exploitation of talent, gifts and other endowments. Focus on your gift. Give it your full concentration. Learn and practice everything about your talent. Soon, the world will recognize and honour you.
According to the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-28), each of us has God-given talents or gifts. When He returns, Jesus will commend those who utilize these endowments. In other words, God will reward and honour those who make prudent use of their talents.
Almighty Father, help me identify my gift and develop it to the best of my ability, by Your grace.
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This is very powerful
God bless you Sir
God bless you, too, Pr.
Talent are God given and we should identify them in our life and that of our children and develop extensively.
Well-said, George. God bless you.
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