Daily Devotional – Tuesday, August 1, 2023
I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom,, men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.
Daniel 6:26 (NKJV)
One of the lowest moments for the Jewish nation was the day Nebuchadnezzar invaded Jerusalem; destroyed and burned the city, demolished and looted the temple, and carried captive many of God’s people. The heathen king did not recognize the God of Israel and perceived Jehovah to be weak.
Where was God?
Psalms 137 recounts the harrowing experience of the Jews as they marched in pain and shame to Babylon. The heathen demanded that the Jews sing sacred songs as a way of mocking the defeated nations. To the Babylonians and some of the Jews, Jehovah was powerless and had abandoned His people.
Well, it did not take long before God proved His doubters wrong. He did this through His servants, especially Daniel. The first instance is when Daniel interpreted Nebuchadnezzar’s, after all the wise men and diviners of the land had failed the test and were about to be executed.
Your God is the God of Gods
Listen to Nebuchadnezzar’s confession and proclamation: “Truly your God is the God of gods, the Lord of kings, and a revealer of secrets, since you could reveal this secret.” (Daniel 2:47). The king now acknowledged that the God whose people and temple he had tormented and destroyed was the sovereign ruler over the earth.
The second instance is when Daniel was thrown into the Lion’s den, following the instigation of his enemies during the reign of King Darius. When the ruler discovered that Daniel was alive, He said, “I make a decree that in every dominion of my kingdom men must tremble and fear before the God of Daniel.” (Daniel 6:26).
Acknowledging the God of Daniel
People who did not worship Jehovah recognized Him because of the faithfulness of Daniel. The God who appeared invisible and vanquished when his people became captives now revealed Himself to the world courtesy of the faithfulness of one man. What God could not accomplish through a whole nation, He did through one pious man.
Jehovah now had a new name, “The God of Daniel.” Do people associate God with you? Judging by your attitude and mannerisms, can those who know and interact with you refer to your God as the King of kings and Lord of lords? Does the world recognize the God you worship, through your actions?
Does the World Recognize Your God?
The world will see the invisible God through His faithful servants, whom they can see. While you may not interpret dreams like Daniel or perform miracles, the powerful influence of your godly character will reveal your God to those around you. Does the world recognize your God?
Almighty Father, imbue my mind and life so that the world may recognize You through my faithfulness.
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I’d love to share in the testimony.. I’d want the same to be said of me.
Through me,the world may see God.
Amen, Doc.