Daily Devotional – Tuesday, October 11, 2022
For a mere moment, I have forsaken you but with great mercies, I will gather you.
Isaiah 54:7 (NKJV)
My son locked himself in his bedroom, angry with me for punishing him. I was also angry with him. This was the umpteenth time he had committed the same misdemeanor. I decided to ignore him.
I hoped that my silence and indifference would bring him back to his senses. One thing was sure, though, my love for the boy was intact. My anger demonstrated love, albeit in a cold manner.
For a Mere Moment, I Have Deserted You
Later that evening, I had a talk with the boy and explained why I had punished him. He was remorseful. He must have wondered why I had given him a cold shoulder earlier but now he understood my actions.
This experience reminds me of God’s message to a wayward Israel:
“For a mere moment I have forsaken you, but with great mercies I will gather you. With a little wrath I hid My face from you for a moment; but with everlasting kindness I will have mercy on you,” says the LORD, your Redeemer.”” (Isaiah 54:7-8).
When the Redeemer Abandons His People
Because of the Israelites’ sins, God hid His face from them for a moment. He allowed them to go through a time of reflection, when His face turned away. He wanted them to realize their sins and repent.
Notice, though, that God would hide His face from His people for only a short moment. He is a merciful and kind God who does not remain angry forever. He is their Redeemer, ever ready to sacrifice everything for His people’s welfare.
Forsaken for a Mere Moment
Because sin separates us from God (Isaiah 59:2), there will be moments when God will hide His face from us. In such times, God expects us to search our hearts, and, with the help of the Holy Spirit, realize the enormity of our sins, and repent.
Whenever God convicts us of our sins, we are to remember that He is ever ready to forgive and restore us. God’s brief moments of silence are indicators of His love. God may forsake us for a short time, but His mercy and kindness will prevail in the end.
Heavenly Father, whenever You hide Your face from me for a brief moment, lead me to repentance, because You are a merciful and kind God.
Amen… Grateful for our God.
indeed sometimes for a moment we face God’s judgement, punishment,we undergo affliction and seems God has Forsaken us but what He comes back to remember us because of His love, He gives us mercy and grace undeserved. Compassion and Kindness He shows… just like David’s prayer, God remembers His mercies.
“Remember your mercy, O LORD, and your steadfast love, for they have been from of old.”
psalms 25:6
Even in His anger (which does not last for long), God reveals His mercy to sinful humans. Thanks, Charles.