Daily Devotional – Saturday, June 12, 2021
….and worthless men banded together with Jephthah and went out raiding with him.
Judges 11:3 (NKJV)
Today, we continue to learn from the life of Jephthah.
In our first lesson, we asked, “Where Do Heroes Come From?” We learnt to appreciate our negative circumstances because they create greatness in us.
Next, we studied “How to Deal With Rejection.” We agreed there are attitudes, people and physical environments we must flee from for us to achieve our purpose in life.
Today, we will delve into yet another strategy for dealing with rejection. After Jephthah fled to the land of Tob, “Soon he had a band of worthless rebels following him.” (Judges 11:3, NLT). This verse is a gem!
Jephthah discovered he was a good organizer and leader after fleeing from his negative surroundings. His family did not see value in him. In contrast, Jephthah saw warriors instead of “a band of worthless rebels”.
Society had rejected them. He harnessed their talents and built a strong militia.
Discovering your talents and gifts and using them will give you an advantage over those who reject you.
When the neighboring Ammonites attacked Israel, the elders of Gilead ‘remembered’ the now-powerful Jephthah. They pleaded with him, “Come and be our commander that we may fight against the people of Ammon.” Judges 11:6.
Here is the challenge. Work diligently to develop your God-given talents. Help others do the same. Soon, your value will be evident to your critics. They will come to you for assistance. Work so hard that your enemies will not ignore your success.
Father, help me discover the gifts and talents you have put in me and in others. Transform my life from worthlessness to divine significance.
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