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Get Rid of the Weight!

Daily Devotional – Tuesday, March 25, 2025
Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us.
Hebrews 12:1 (NKJV)

If you were running a marathon, would they dress in constricting apparel or tote a bulky backpack? Obviously not! You would eliminate anything that could slow you down. Similarly, scripture instructs us to get rid of the “weight” that prevents us from running the race of life effectively.

Run With Endurance

The imagery used in today’s verse is relevant in a modern setting since Christians participate in spiritual Olympics, as it were. Sin is the primary weight that prevents us from successfully completing the race of faith. However, weight can also refer to habits, concerns, or diversions that prevent us from fully embracing Christ.

Sin tangles and stymies us, making progress challenging. We are reminded in our main reading to put aside our sins and live in the freedom that Christ has granted us. Our liberation and spiritual advancement are facilitated by confession, repentance, and dependence on the Holy Spirit.

Get Rid of the Weight!

Our key text also suggests that living a Christian life is a marathon rather than a race. Moments of fatigue, despair, and even failure will occur. However, endurance refers to the ability to run in spite of difficulties.

Which of your life’s “weights” are impeding your progress in your relationship with Christ? Do you need to give up any sins to God in order to run freely? How might your spiritual path foster endurance? Get rid of the weight.

Almighty God, give me the fortitude to run with endurance and to get rid of the spiritual weight that may impede my spiritual journey.

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