Daily Devotional – Tuesday, September 12, 2023
The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.
Psalms 34:15 (NKJV)
What image of God do you hold in your mind? No human being has ever seen God enough to be able to describe His appearance for us. We can only speculate about His physical features until the day we meet Him in eternity. From scripture, though, we can conclude that God has eyes and ears.
The LORD are on the Righteous
That is what David says in Psalms 34:15: “The eyes of the LORD are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their cry.” In the Psalmist’s inspired imagination, God is not an abstract Being. He bears some of the physical features we have as human beings. Thus, we can relate to God the same way we do with parents, siblings and friends.
Why is this important? I have heard moment in life when I felt as if God has abandoned me. Sometimes when I am in trouble, God appears to keep quiet and hide His face. When I really need God to speak unequivocally to me, He ‘pretends’ to be blind and dumb. I begin to wonder whether He really cares for me.
God Has Eyes and Ears
That is why I love David’s depiction of God as having eyes and ears. It means God sees my situation and listens to my cries even when I think He is indifferent. I take comfort in knowing that God never tires listening to my prayers. His eyes and ears are so big, no detail of my life is insignificant to Him.
Because God has eyes and ears, and He answers prayers, do not stop calling Him. Since He is willing to listen to you at all times, make every moment a time for prayer. Even in moments of silence, God is working on your petitions. The voice of the righteous seeking for God’s blessings must be the sweetest song in the ears of the Lord. Call God now because He is ready to listen to you.
Almighty Father, thank You because Your eyes are on the righteous and Your ears are open to my cry.
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