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God is Still on The Throne

Daily Devotional – Saturday, April 9, 2022
In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.
Isaiah 6:1 (NIV)

King Uzziah was dead. Prophet Isaiah was devastated. In an age characterized by apostate kings, the young monarch “…did what was right in the eyes of the LORD.” (2 Chronicles 26:4).

The king had ruled for 52 years and prospered. God gave him wisdom and might to fight and defeat the enemies of Judah. By relying on God, Uzziah succeeded in everything he sought to do.

A Devastated Prophet

Unfortunately, as Uzziah increased in might, he allowed pride to control him. One time he went to the temple of God to burn incense, a sacred duty reserved for the priests. God struck the king with leprosy. Uzziah later died a lonely leper.

Now, put yourself in the sandals of Prophet Isaiah. Like other Jews, he had enjoyed the reign of Uzziah. Therefore, Uzziah’s sin, illness and death must have devastated the prophet.

I imagine Isaiah asking God, “Why, Lord? What next? Where are you in all these happenings?” I have been though similar experiences. Strange things happen to me and around me and I wonder where God is.

In the Year that King Uzziah Died, I Saw the Lord

It is during these moments of inexplicable silence that God surprises us as He did Isaiah. When all hope fades and nothing makes, sense, God shatters our silence and gloom with His presence.

“In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple.” (Isaiah 6:1). God was telling Isaiah, “I am still in control. I am still on the throne. There is nothing to worry about.”

God is Still on The Throne

However difficult your situation is today, listen keenly and hear God telling you He is in control even when you do not see Him. He has your best interests at heart. The Lord will intervene in His appointed time.

Almighty Father, Thank You for assuring me that You are in control especially during my darkest moments.

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Ronny Muriira Marete

Awesome Prayer.We need to Meditate on it day by day.May God Continue Ministering to us His Hidden Secrets.Amen🙏

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