Daily Devotional – Thursday, April 7, 2022
“It is not good for the man to be alone…”
Genesis 2:18 (NIV)
Doves are monogamous. They only mate with one partner. When the mate dies, the surviving dove cannot from another partnership. Strangely, the remaining bird is likely to die soon after due to loneliness.
The need for companionship is inbuilt in man, just as in doves. When He was naming animals there was, “no suitable helper was found” for him. (Genesis 2:20, NIV).
It is Not Good for Man to be Alone
God had a solution for Adam’s dilemma. He said, “It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper suitable for him.” (Genesis 2:18). Even in a perfect world, Adam was not to be alone.
God teaches us that companionship is a fundamental of marriage, just like procreation. The closer and more intimate the marriage relationship, the happier the couple and the offspring.
At another level, God created human beings with the desire to socialize. He made us the antidote the loneliness of other human beings. Consequently, it is not good for any human being to be alone and detached from others.
God’s Antidote for Loneliness
When our spiritual and social support systems are strong, we experience fewer social evils. The more we interact productively and attend to the needs of others, the more stable our families, societies and nations become.
Because it is not good for human beings to be alone, we need to share our good and bad experiences and concerns with our loved ones. Similarly, we ought to reach out to those in our circles who are suffering.
How can you strengthen your social bonds today? Is there a ‘lonely’ person who needs your support and kindness? Do you need to the love and companionship of another human being as you undergo a difficult time?
Loving Father, thank You for giving me a human support system to ward off loneliness.
Amen.indeed In a life of misery, suffering,stress and loneliness,we all need someone to share experience with.
Amen, Doc.
Amen indeed we are the antidotes to other people’s loneliness, just as the bible reminds us we are to be a lamp to the world and salt .
Amen, Brian. Welcome back.