Daily Devotional – Monday, April 1, 2024
And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, “Enlarge my territory.”
1 Chronicles 4:10 (NKJV)
In our walk with God, we must guard against mediocrity. God has endowed each of us with talents and abilities. If we cooperate with Him, we can utilize these endowments to the maximum, hence becoming a blessing to ourselves, humanity, and God’s work.
Beware of Averageness
Jabez was not satisfied with asking God for abundant blessings. He became more specific as he continued with his prayer. His second request to God was to “enlarge my territory.” (1 Chronicles 4:10). What kind of territory was Jabez talking about? How small was it?
It is possible that Jabez was talking about land. Who wouldn’t want more land to grow more food or keep more animals? Perhaps he was living in a tiny shack with his poor family. A larger space could mean more freedom and happiness.
Enlarge My Territory
However, considering the faith and audacity of this man, he was likely asking for something more valuable than land. Once again, Jabez demonstrated that he was not ready for a mediocre existence. He petitioned God to increase his prospects, impact, and influence.
His prayer reflects a desire for growth and effectiveness in his endeavors. It expresses a desire to live beyond the ordinary. Jabez wants to achieve all he possibly can in this life. He wants to leave a legacy of exceptional achievements, and He relies on God to attain this dream.
Guard Against Mediocrity
Jabez prayer reminds us that God wants us to live up to the full potential He has placed in us and is pleased when we demand of Him the knowledge, understanding, wisdom, and resources to live to the fullest, according to His will. Guard against mediocrity.
Dear God, enlarge my territory and rid me of mediocrity.
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