Daily Devotional – Sunday, July 2, 2023
Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.
Luke 12:15 (NKJV)
In June 2023, five people died when the Titan submersible imploded on its way to the floor of the ocean, where the quintet was to view the wreckage of the Titanic. Incidentally, the four passengers / tourist in the vessel had paid $250,000 each for the short expedition.
Beware of Covetousness
Only the wealthiest could afford the underwater safari. The same is true of space expeditions by tourists. It is a one-in-a-lifetime kind of experience. To many people, the pinnacle of life is the ability to earn and spend lots of money on luxury.
For this reason, human beings chase material wealth by all means. The pursuit of riches becomes an obsession that obscures other important aspects of life. Like other human beings, Christians can fall into the trap of endless search of money and luxury.
Keep Yourself From all Covetousness
Thankfully, Jesus dedicated a sizeable chunk of his teachings to money and wealth. One of His most powerful warnings on this issue is, “Take heed and beware of covetousness, for one’s life does not consist in the abundance of the things he possesses.” (Luke 12:15).
Money is good because it facilitates us to live productively and enjoy life. However, when we make money an end and not a means, we risk losing focus on what is critical in life. Covetousness means believing that life is all about amassing possessions and living large.
Guard Yourself Against Greed!
Greed is a form of idol worship because it beclouds the mind and obscures God from our lives. Covetousness is worshipping what God has created instead of the Creator. An avaricious person puts wealth first and God second, hence Christ’s warning to guard yourself against greed.
According to Jesus, the purpose of life is to be “rich toward God.” (Luke 12:21). It is to live fully for God. Wealth becomes a byproduct of our relationship with God and a means to live more productively while furthering the kingdom of God on earth. Watch out lest the pursuit of wealth from attaining eternal life.
Lord Jesus, by Your grace, I will guard myself against covetousness because life is not about how much I amass but how rich I am in Godly matters.
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