Daily Devotional – Monday, March 6, 2023
And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.
Romans 8:28 (NKJV)
“I am happy to be in prison.” A female inmate stated happily. I could not believe it. It was my first time visiting a jail to preach. Nothing had prepared me for this kind of talk. How could one be elated when confined to four walls and denied so many freedoms?
Delighted with Negative Circumstances
We were in a small room, packed with despondent faces. Etched on most of the faces was misery and hopelessness. During the sermon, the prisoners hang on every word I uttered. There were countless solicited and unprovoked ‘amens’.
After the sermon, the prison chaplain asked the inmates to volunteer to give testimonies. I was surprised to say the least. What kind of testimony could come from a convict? I was interested to know what special testimony could come from a convict.
Pleased to be Jailed
Therefore, when this jovial woman rose up to speak, I adjusted my mental antennae. “Praise the Lord!” She said. “I am happy to be in prison.” I instinctively scanned the faces of the other inmates and realized they were shocked but eager to hear their colleague’s testimony.
She continued. “Before I came to jail, I had not stepped inside a church for many years. I never used to pray. The Bible was a foreign book to me. Today, I am saved. I read the Bible and pray every day. Had I not been in jail, I would not have met Jesus Christ. I thank God for allowing me to be imprisoned.”
All Things Work for Good
What a strange way to interpret negative circumstances! While majority of prisoners chose to complain about their situations and blame others, this joyous soul was grateful to God for her unwelcome circumstances.
Paul appears to have had this woman in mind when he wrote, “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” (Romans 8:28).
Happy to be in Prison
Like this inmate, you may be in a physical or symbolic jail because of your unwise decisions or the deliberate inadvertent decisions of others. You have a choice to sit and lament your financial, health, familial and others woes or to accept the bitter lessons of your trial and glorify God.
One thing is sure, though. Because God allowed you to fall into this trap, He had noble intentions for you. Ask yourself, “What is God teaching me through my pain? How will I avoid falling into the same trap in future.” That way, you can be happy to be in prison and even find time to praise God like Paul and Silas.
Loving Father, I do not know why You allow me to get into various types of prisons in life. However, I thank You because all things work for good for me.
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What a message! I may not be in a physical prison,but regardless of whatever circumstances I go through, if it is the will of God that I pass through them, and if getting saved is a prison, then I’m happy to be in these prisons.
To the glory of God, Amen.
Amen, Joseph.
Welcome to Daily Family Devotions, Martin. Keep reading. Keep commenting. God bless you.
Let’s pray our God to help us