Daily Devotional – Monday, November 14, 2022
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.
Joshua 1:9 (NKJV)
Amani’s first months as Chief Executive Officer were difficult. The diminutive soft-spoken woman was the first CEO of her gender in the firm’s history. The company, though, was male-dominated.
A Steep Decline
A number of the senior managers she supervised were reluctant to take her orders. Some simply refused to work and watched to see her reaction. Junior workers gradually adopted the same attitude.
The organization began to decline. Customers were complaining of low quality, delays in delivery and other challenges. Not long after, the board of directors summoned Amani and demanded to demand explanations for the sorry state of affairs in the firm.
What do you Lack?
Having had enough of the unruly workers, and believing the board would sack her anyway, the CEO came to the meeting with her resignation letter. Within fifteen minutes, she had argued her case, placed the blame on the workers and asked to leave the firm.
One of the board members asked her, “When we employed you, did we retain the powers to discipline unruly staff? Have you ever asked for help from this board to deal with these challenges and we declined?”
Dire Need of Courage
It dawned on Amani that she lacked courage. While the board has given her authority to run the firm, she had allowed fear to control her. She apologized and asked for more time to arrest the situation. A month later, she had steered the firm back to optimal performance.
When Joshua inherited the leadership mantle from Moses, he risked running into the same headwinds as Amani. The task before him was immense. His followers were infamously rebellious. The enemies in Canaan were experienced in war and only death would make them surrender their land to the Israelites.
Be Strong and of Good Courage
God, knowing Joshua could succumb to fear and decline the new role, urged His servant, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.” (Joshua 1:9).
In principle, God was telling Joshua, “I have appointed you to lead my people knowing very well the challenges you will face. You are not alone. I will be with you all along. When I appoint leaders, I provide all they need to succeed. Be strong and courageous and lead My people to the Promised Land.”
Have I Not Commanded You?
This message is not for Joshua only. It is for every child of God. God does not promise our paths will be easy. Rather, He pledges to be with us, to provide what we need, and to encourage us along the way.
If you feel anxious and fearful about real and anticipated challenges, pause and listen to God encouraging you, “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.”
Almighty God, I commit myself today into Your hand. Because You have commanded me, I will be strong and courageous and face this day knowing You are with me.
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God bless you.
Sometimes life can be full of hardships, hopelessness and discouragement from hostility, the promises of God to Joshua is one that when believed gives us strength to overcome and arrest any situations of fear and discouragement.
Amen, Doc. That’s great!