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Have You Considered My Servant Job?

Daily Devotional – Monday, July 15, 2024
Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered My servant Job, that there is none like him on the earth, a blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil?”
Job 1:8 (NKJV)

God describes Job as being “blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil” in Job 1:8. This line serves as both a profound reminder of how God views people who follow His ways and a celebration of Job’s loyalty.

A Blameless and Upright Man

It is important to remember that, even when Satan is present, God speaks well of Job. This demonstrates to us that God is aware of our honesty and loyalty. Sometimes we may feel as though no one notices or acknowledges the struggles we face in our own lives. Even while people may not be able to notice our dedication, God nevertheless sees it and appreciates it.

Being blameless does not imply being sinless; rather, it refers to having a heart that genuinely seeks God and repents of its sins. To be upright is to live a life consistent with God’s precepts, exhibiting moral rectitude and honesty in all that we do.

Have You Considered My Servant Job?

God Himself validates our status as His offspring, like He did with Job. Let us make an effort to lead pure and moral lives, abstaining from evil and fearing God. This means pursuing holiness and a sincere relationship with God on a constant basis, even though we are not perfect.

How will you emulate Job’s honesty and faithfulness in your own life while you go about your daily activities? May is be said of you, “Have you considered my servant…?”

Heavenly Father, may Your kindness and grace be evident in my life, and may You commend me as You did Job.

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Paul Mokua


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