Daily Devotional – Sunday, May 14, 2023
…the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
John 6:37 (NKJV)
Nicodemus was a Pharisee and a respected man in the society. People looked up to teachers of the law like him for guidance on religious and temporal matters. Yet, he was a troubled man. That is why he came at night to consult the Galilean Teacher.
Under the Cover of Darkness
Why at night? Christ was the chief enemy of the Pharisees. They hated Him because He condemned some of their behaviours and their misinterpretation of the law. On many occasions, they sought to kill him because he had become a threat to their influence and power.
Nicodemus, though, had listened to Jesus keenly. He was convinced that this Rabbi taught the truth. However, visiting Jesus during the day would expose this prominent Pharisee to ridicule from his colleagues and the public. His fear and sense of shame prevented him from expressing his growing attachment to Jesus.
From Darkness to Light
Thus, he sought the most convenient time. It is possible he disguised himself in different clothing, hid from his family, friends and colleagues, and went after Jesus. Thanks to Nicodemus’ questions, we learn one of the greatest and most powerful teachings of the Bible – how to be born again.
This prominent Pharisee was not as daring as Zacchaeus to look for Jesus during the day. Thus, he found a convenient time to visit the Master. Later we see Nicodemus openly identifying with Jesus. (See John 7:50-52 & John 19:39). The night visit and conversation with Jesus had transformed him into a follower of Jesus.
He Came at Night
It is possible that you are like Nicodemus. You still find it hard to express your faith in public. Fear of criticism and ridicule silences you. Jesus tells you, “…the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37). He is waiting for you in the silence of your thoughts. Find him in your office or bedroom. Kneel before Him and ask for forgiveness and restoration.
Nicodemus came to Jesus in a night of uncertainty but left in the newness of life. As you interact with Jesus daily through prayer, Bible study and meditation, He will transform you from a private worshipper to a public disciple. Like Nicodemus, a time will come when you will identify with Jesus openly. Come to Him any time, just as you are, and you will never be the same again.
Dear Jesus, I come to you in my night of fear and uncertainty. Reveal Yourself to me and prepare me for eternity.
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