Daily Devotional – Saturday, May 13, 2023
For I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground.
Isaiah 44:3 (NKJV)
He was arguably the most hated man in Jericho. Everyone knew he was a vile sinner. How else could they describe this outcast of a tax collector? Society had ostracized this publican. He could not walk on the streets without eliciting jeers and sneers.
Looking for Acceptance
Deep inside, though, Zacchaeus longed for forgiveness and peace. He could easily have gone into the synagogue or temple to pray but he feared members of the society would harass him.
Then he heard about Jesus, the itinerant preacher who did not discriminate against sinners. Zacchaeus learned that the revered Rabbi mingled freely with everyone, unlike the scribes and Pharisees. The remorseful tax collector decided to look for Jesus.
Meeting Jesus in Public
What was the best time to catch the attention of the Rabbi? Probably at night. After all, nobody would laugh at the diminutive man or prevent him from reaching Jesus. Unfortunately, Jesus was not a resident of Jericho and Zacchaeus had no way of controlling Christ’s itinerary.
To compound issues for Zacchaeus, Jesus decided to visit during the day. Now, the weight of guilt in the taxman’s heart was very heavy. He did not mind being seen by the crowds pleading with Jesus for forgiveness and restoration in broad daylight.
Received in Public
To understand how critical it was for that tax collector to meet Jesus, picture the short, plump man, on top of a sycamore tree! He is lucky not to fall from the tree when Jesus looks at him and urges him to climb down. The crowd laughs at the embarrassing antics of the publican.
Little does Zacchaeus know that Jesus reads people’s hearts. The Lord knows the longings of this sinner’s heart. Christ planned this trip to Jericho to welcome the vile sinner into the kingdom of God. For this one repentant souls, Jesus is in Jericho today.
He Came in Broad Daylight
To Zacchaeus and anyone else who longs for God’s mercy, God says, “…I will pour water on him who is thirsty, and floods on the dry ground.” (Isaiah 44:3). Worry not about the people who know how sinful you are. Jesus does not care about public opinion. All He wants is to quench your thirst for love, acceptance, forgiveness and restoration.
There is no better time than today, in broad daylight, in the presence of those who know how vile you are, to run to Jesus and become a new creature. It is never too late to leave your life of rebellion and to receive the enduring peace that only God can give. Quench your thirst in the fountain of Jesus.
Dear Jesus, I am coming to You as I am. Forgive and heal me. That is all that matters to me.
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To God be glory
Amen, Philip. Be blessed.