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He Knows My Name

Daily Devotional – Monday, April 26, 2021

I have called you by your name; You are Mine.

Isaiah 43:1 (NKJV)

The president finished his press briefing. Reporters started asking questions. When his turn came, this journalist said, “I am XYZ from ABC Media House.” Even before he could finish the sentence, the President interrupted him with a smile and said, “I know you very well, Mr. XYZ.”

It was evident that the President knew the reporter personally. Apparently, they had met several times before. They had had one-on-one interactions, away from the media and the public.

That day, social media was ignited. All manner of humorous messages and ‘favours’ were forwarded to the President through this reporter.

It must be wonderful to be known by name by the leader of your country. You can call on him when you are in need, and your problems will be sorted. Your security may be assured. People respect you wherever you go.

Now, there is someone more important than your president who knows your name. He is the Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent God. He assures you, “I have called you by your name; you are Mine.” Isaiah 43:1.

The lyrics of Tommy Walker’s famous song, He Knows My Name, come to mind: “I have a Maker. He formed my heart. Before even time began, my life was in his hands. He knows my name; He knows my every thought; He sees each tear that falls; and He hears me when I call.”

Have you taken full advantage of the fact that God knows your name? From today on, walk with confidence. The Almighty God knows you, He calls you by your name. You belong to Him.


Father, thank you for reminding me that You know me by name.

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Rose Oluoch

Thank you father for knowing me by m uh name hallelujah Jehovah

Rose Oluoch

Thank you father for knowing me by my name glory to you father

Duncan Mutwiri

I love the song it uplifts me and builds my inner self.
It’s good to remind me that God knows me by name.
Thankyou Sir.

Frankline Nyambok

“From today, walk with confidence. The Almighty God knows you, He calls you by your name. You belong to Him”
Much confidence is built because God knows me by name…



Brian Onduso

Woow this really inspires confidence in me ,knpwing my God knows me on a personal level .

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