Daily Devotional – Monday, January 9, 2023
Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.
Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)
Your annual, monthly and daily goals are in place. You have the right strategies in place. Implementation is ongoing. You are aware of distractors and dream killers and you have a plan to keep them off. Now, if you want to succeed, hold nothing back.
Determined to Prosper
Water runs over a rock for many years. Gradually, the rock gives way to the force of the water and breaks. Similarly, running water makes inroads on the soil. After many days, it creates gullies. That is the power of resolve.
When you come across a tall, majestic tree, pause to ponder its tenacity. It has taken many years to reach its height and depth. The roots had to overcome rocks and hard soil to reach great depths. The tree had to fight with others for sunlight. Some plants died along the way. The tenacious ones made it.
Nothing Left to Give
Likewise, human life demands persistence. This is the unflinching determination to pursue a goal until we achieve it. As King Solomon states, “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going.” (Ecclesiastes 9:10).
Scripture urges us to hold nothing back when pursuing our dreams. We are to dedicate all physical, emotional and spiritual efforts to the ideals we seek to achieve. After all, rest awaits us in the grave, where we cannot think or work.
Give It Your Best
Between a person and his or her worthy goals are numerous obstacles. It is easier to give up on one’s dreams because there are Sanballats and Tobiahs on the way. When we focus on the obstacles and not on the goal, we are likely to quit.
The spiritual realm also demands determination. Scripture warns against being lukewarm and encourages us to be hot. Our dedication to God should be wholehearted. Persistence in the course of the gospel is mandatory if we are to attain the goal of eternal life.
Hold Nothing Back
Whatever your hand finds to do in all spheres of your life, as long as you have God’s approval, hold nothing back. Give your best in all your endeavours. Determine to succeed despite inevitable obstacles. Give it your all and God will repay you with His best.
Almighty Father, I will hold nothing back in the pursuit of spiritual and divine-approved temporal goals.
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God bless you.
This year I want to give my all to whatever I do.My spiritual life, Education etc. Want to make the best of everything.
Amen, Doc.