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How Desperate Are You To Get It? Take The Faith Test

Daily Devotional – Monday, October 25, 2021

Nevertheless, when the Son of Man comes, will He really find faith on the earth?

Luke 18:8 (NKJV)

It was the perfect setting for a full-blown conflict. On one hand was, “a judge who did not fear God nor regard man.” (Luke 18:2). On the other hand was widow, pleading for justice against her enemy.

The security men at the gate must have got tired of her visits. She would pester them to allow her see the judge. It is possible the judge quarreled his security men severally for failing to contain a simple old widow.

I think the judge must have heard the widow shouting at the top of her voice when restrained by the guards. Finally, when he agreed to listen to the poor woman, he dismissed her petition. “There is nothing I can do about your case. Leave and never come back,” I can hear him tell her.

To his surprised and anger, the widow came back the following day and caused a scene. I guess he warned her that if she dared set her foot in the judge’s office, he would throw her into jail.

He was mistaken. She returned the following day, and the next. He could not take it any longer. He said, “Even though I don’t fear God or care what people think, yet because this widow keeps bothering me, I will see that she gets justice, so that she won’t eventually come and attack me!” (Luke 18:4-5).

What if the widow had given up?

Had the widow given up after the first and second rejection, would the judge have granted her request? What would have happened if she had surrendered to the ridicule and harsh words of the judge, his guards or the public?

Unlike the widow, we have a just and fair judge – God. If an earthly judge who had no respect for God or man yielded to the persistence of a poor widow, how much more will God grant us our persistent genuine desires? (Luke 18:6-8).

In concluding this parable, Jesus asked a very important question. “However, when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?” (Luke 18:8). Is the widow’s type of faith available among Christians today?

In a world that values and celebrates impatience and shortcuts, can we wait until the Lord answers our prayers? Do we have patience and perseverance and trust that our loving God will grant our requests at the right time?

If Jesus comes today, will he really find faith in you?

Lord Jesus, increase my faith. (Luke 17:5)

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Erastus Theuri

It depends on an individual. My prayer is that God will increase my faith.

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