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How God Deals with Our Distress

Daily Devotional – Sunday, September 8, 2024
He brought me out into a spacious place. He rescued me because he delighted in me.
Psalms 18:19 (NKJV)

There are times when we feel as if our circumstances have overpowered, imprisoned, and trapped us. We frequently encounter relational problems, personal hardships and outside influences that make it difficult to see a path out. Our key text provides a potent reminder of God’s faithfulness and His tender care for us in these trying times.

He Brought Me Out into a Spacious Place

Envision a small, gloomy room that opens up into a large, open area that is full of light and possibilities. The essence of what God accomplishes for us is encapsulated in this image. God intervenes to bring us into a place of relief and plenty when it feels like the walls of our lives are closing in. His “spacious place” represents not just emotional and spiritual freedom but also physical emancipation.

But why is God so kind? He does this because He delights in us. This affirmation is quite personal. God does not save us just because He has to do it but because He loves us. He enjoys our regeneration and finds happiness in our well-being. This joy stems from His abiding, unwavering love for us.

How God Deals with Our Distress

Whenever you are in distress, remember that God is bringing you into a state of abundance and freedom. His actions toward you are shaped by His love, which is not simply a theoretical idea but a tangible reality. Every milestone you reach, every obstacle you encounter, and every victory you experience bring Him joy.

Dear God, thank You because when I am distressed, I know you will bring me into a place of freedom, safety and peace.

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