Daily Devotional – Friday, February 18, 2022
I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands. Psalms 143:5 (NKJV)
This week, I met a person who reminded me a lot about my past. Although I did not know this person during the six years I worked in his home area, we related well on many accounts.
Both of us have close links with many people from two towns. We have a common understanding of events that took place years ago. Several of my best friends are his relatives.
Nostalgia, Courage and Optimism
Therefore, during our three-hour chat, I felt nostalgic for the fun-filled days and the friends I had made. Fond memories kept flooding my mind. We telephoned our common friends, put them on loudspeaker and happily walked down memory lane.
By the time my new friend was leaving, I was not only overjoyed but also ready to tackle the day’s task. I realized that my current challenges were essentially the same as those I had encountered many years before hence I needed to be optimistic.
I Remember the Days of Old
Nostalgia can give hope and encouragement at crucial moments. Looking back at the past and gleaning lessons from it is critical for emotional and spiritual growth. Sometimes we need to look back for us to see further ahead.
A good example of the importance of nostalgia is Psalm 143 when David’s enemies threatened to overwhelm him. The Psalmists confessed, “I remember the days of old; I meditate on all Your works; I muse on the work of Your hands.” (Psalms 143:5).
Take a Nostalgic Trip with God
David must have remembered the innumerable times God had delivered him from enemies. His journey with God and the providences of heaven in the past must have filled David with hope during his time of distress.
Whatever the hurdles you face today, take a nostalgic trip into your past for encouragement. You will gain courage and your faith in God will increase. When you remember and appreciate how God has led you in the past, present challenges will not scare you.
Heavenly Father, whenever I feel like giving up, please remind me my history and Your faithfulness in my life.
Heavenly Father, whenever I feel like giving up, please remind me my history and Your faithfulness in my life Amen, this is my prayer today.
Amen, Brian
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