Daily Devotional – Sunday, September 10, 2023
How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation?
Hebrews 2:3 (NIV)
According to The Telegraph, in March 2022, a woman died in a Georgia river, after refusing to be rescued by first responders. The 26-year-old had been swimming in the river and had asked her mother to bring her clothes. A police officer noticed an abandoned car in the park, and the desperate mother confirmed the identity of the car owner before rescue operations began.
Refusing the Gift of Eternal Life
Why did this woman die when there were sixty-five people waiting to save her from drowning? According to city authorities, “Firefighters encouraged the woman to leave the water, providing ropes and flotation devices; however, she refused their attempts to help.” In other words, this woman chose to die in spite of all efforts to rescue her.
This scenario is not unique to the physical world. In the spiritual realm, too, people often refuse salvation. Salvation is a gift for all human beings. Christ died on the cross to redeem sinners. We acquire salvation by simply believing in God and accepting Christ’s substitutionary death our behalf.
No Way Out
Why, then, will some people end up in hell? Because they refused to accept God’s gift of salvation. Here is Paul’s take on this issue: “How shall we escape if we ignore so great a salvation? This salvation, which was first announced by the Lord, was confirmed to us by those who heard him. God also testified to it by signs, wonders and various miracles, and by gifts of the Holy Spirit distributed according to his will.” (Hebrews 2:3-4).
In chapter 1, Paul emphasizes the divinity of Jesus and affirms Christ’s rescue mission on earth. The apostle then asserts that Jesus Himself had proclaimed the Gospel and that His disciples had cemented His legacy. Moreover, through signs, wonders, miracles, and spiritual gifts, it was evident that the gospel was God’s power and tool to save humanity from sin and eternal death.
How Shall You Escape?
Now that God has gone to all lengths to prove His immeasurable love for us, how will we escape death if we refuse such a gift? If we do not make it to heaven, it will not be because God hates us or has refused to rescue us from sin. No. It will be because we refused to swallow our pride, forsake our sins, and take refuge in Him.
How shall you escape if you ignore such a great salvation? Today, take a moment to reflect on what Jesus did on the cross for you. Is there anything you can add to the work of salvation? Take heed of the teachings of Christ, lest you drift away from Him. The best way to thank Jesus for His sacrifice for you is to serve and obey Him unreservedly.
Lord Jesus, today I accept the work You completed on the cross. Help me not to drift away from faith and neglect so a great a salvation.
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Glory to God
Amen, Pastor. Thank you for your continued support to this ministry.