Daily Devotional – Monday, July 17, 2023
Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace. Thereby good will come to you.
Job 22:21 (NKJV)
During Job’s painful trial, Eliphaz, one of the patriarchs’ three friends revealed how to attract blessings. According to Eliphaz and other Biblical examples, blessings are a result of fulfilling certain conditions God has stipulated, chief among them having a working relationship with God.
Acquaint Yourself With Him
Eliphaz, having concluded erroneously that Job’s suffering was a consequence of personal sin, nevertheless, stated a spiritual principles all believers need to know and adhere to. The Temanite urged Job, “Now acquaint yourself with Him, and be at peace. Thereby good will come to you.” (Job 22:21).
The phrase ‘acquaint yourself with Him’ is also rendered, “Submit to God and be at peace with him.” (NIV); “Agree with God, and be at peace” (ESV); “Reconcile now and be at peace with Him” (Berean Study Bible); “Come to terms with God and be at peace” (Christian Standard Bible), and “Settle with him and have peace” (New American Bible).
You Will Find Peace and Prosperity
Here we find a call to prayer, repentance, obedience and a daily walk with as prerequisites for blessings. It is an invitation to have a personal and active relationship with Jesus. Before God can bless you at spiritual and material levels, you need to know Him personally. He should not be just the God of your parents, pastors and churches.
Knowing God personally and spending time with Him in prayer and Bible study will strengthen your faith. A closer walk with Jesus will reveal His will to you and empower you to make godly choices every day. It will also fill you with peace that defies understanding. When Jesus is in your friend, whatever you ask for in His Name, He will grant you.
How to Attract Blessings
Take a moment to read Deuteronomy Chapter 28, where God outlines the prerequisites for blessings and the causes of curses. You will realize that Eliphaz was right in implying that we find peace and prosperity by obeying God especially in the context of a saving relationship with Him.
Eliphaz teaches us how to attract blessings. Will you heed this principle and lesson? How active is your relationship with God? Is it characterized by daily communication and obedience on your side? What actions will you take today to ensure God’s blessings flow into your life without interruption?
Dear Jesus, I want to be acquainted with You now, my Source of blessings.
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