Daily Devotional – Wednesday, November 3, 2021
He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.
Psalms 112:7 (NKJV)
Over the years, I have come to know that news, according to various types of media, means bad news. I know people who do TV or social media fasting. This implies keeping off current news for specific durations to avoid the ensuing stress.
The most popular TV channels are those that peddle news on murder, robbery, terrorism, family breakups and so on. On social media, the posts that elicit most reactions, shares and likes are those with negative connotations.
News must be negative and sensational to sell. If you hear someone saying the day’s news was boring, they mean there was nothing negative. A newspaper with a photo and story of people peacefully running their day-to-day affairs will have few buyers.
Even if you decide to avoid mainstream and social media, you will not escape gory and discouraging news from your family, relatives, neighbours and friends. Sometimes, you will be the subject of bad news.
Dealing with Evil Tidings
How then do you deal with negative news? David gave a solution, centuries ago. Speaking of the pious, the psalmist said, “He will not be afraid of evil tidings; His heart is steadfast, trusting in the LORD.” (Psalms 112:7).
We can minimize the amount of bad news we consume but we cannot avoid it altogether. What matters is our attitude. If we truly believe in God, if our hearts are steadfast in Him, we will not fear.
Believers know that God is in charge of life on earth and their lives. They do not fear what the future holds because they know God holds the future. Trust God with your life and bad news will not scare you.
As you face various types of bad news today and going forward, practice what Peter teaches, “…casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” (1 Peter 5:7). When bad news come, hand it over to Jesus.
Lord Jesus, I cast all my cares upon you.
Amen, thanks for the good news!
You know in school I get taught how to help patients deal with bad news, like a poor/bad prognosis.. I’m gonna add this to my notes😅 Telling them to trust in God and casting their cares on Him for He is in charge of their lives.
Amen, Daktari
Amen, this reminds of the hym the lord is our rock, a shelter in the time of storm, we can always cast our burdens and care to him
I cast all my cares and you Lord Jesus.
Amen, George