Daily Devotional – Friday, December 9, 2022
And her rival used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because the LORD had closed her womb.
1 Samuel 1:6 (NKJV)
Hannah’s attitude towards Penninah illustrates how believers are to deal with ridicule and provocation. Only divine wisdom can help us adopt the right attitude towards people who find joy in mocking others.
She Used to Provoke Hannah
It is preferable to deal with nuisance from a stranger than from a close family member. Hannah found herself in such a situation. Penninah, Hannah’s co-wife, “…used to provoke her grievously to irritate her, because the LORD had closed her womb.” (1 Samuel 1:6).
As if being barren was not painful enough, Hannah had to endure constant goading from her co-wife. We read further, “So it went on year by year. As often as she went up to the house of the LORD, she used to provoke her.” (Verse 7). What a painful existence for Hannah!
Fodder for Gossip and Mockery
Have you ever been in a difficult position spiritually, financially, health-wise and so on, yet some individual or persons used it to ridicule you? Some will say you are suffering because you are sinful or unfaithful to God.
They will assume the place of God and judge you. The bolder ones will approach you, like the friends of Biblical Job, and ask you to repent of your hidden sins. Your suffering will provide fodder for gossip and mockery. You may even be unlucky enough to become a sermon illustration!
Ignoring Vexations
How do you deal with such situations? Hannah gives us a perfect solution. To begin with, Hannah ignored Penninah and did not respond to her provocation. Nothing hurts your enemies more than to ignore their vexations.
Secondly, Hannah focused on getting a child from God. As Solomon would counsel later, “Let your eyes look straight ahead and your eyelids look right before you.” (Proverbs 4:25). Hannah refused to be distracted from her goal.
Prayer versus Provocation
Thirdly, she turned her troubles to God in prayer. She was fervent and persevering. At one point, Hannah was so engrossed in prayer and supplication that Eli, the high priest, thought she was drunk.
Eventually, God answered Hannah’s prayer and gave her a son – Samuel. While Samuel became a judge, priest and prophet in Israel, nothing is written about the sons of Penninah and what became of this jealous co-wife. We only remember Hannah and Samuel.
How to Deal with Provocation and Ridicule
Whenever you are down and someone irritates and mocks you, be like Hannah. Ignore the nuisance, focus on your goal, knowing your situation will not last forever, and persist in prayer and thanksgiving. That is how to deal with deal with provocation and ridicule.
Almighty Father, help me to deal with provocation and ridicule by focusing on my goal and handing over my burdens to You.
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So many Penina’s in all spheres of life, God give Hannah spirit to overcome all
Quite true, Solomon.