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How to Enjoy God’s Good Gifts

Daily Devotional – Thursday, July 11, 2024
If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good things to those who ask Him!
Matthew 7:11 (NKJV)

Jesus compares earthly fathers, who, in spite of their flaws, want to give their children nice presents, with our flawless heavenly Father, who is ready to give His children even greater gifts, in our main passage. How, then, do we enjoy God’s good gifts?

He Gives Good Gifts

Earthly parents are deeply satisfied when they are able to provide their children with wonderful gifts. Jesus uses this well-known idea to give us a glimpse of our heavenly Father, who is incredibly kind and loving and loves bestowing wonderful things upon us.

Knowing that God wants to bless us in accordance with His perfect wisdom and timing allows us to approach Him in prayer with confidence. Even if we might not fully comprehend it ourselves, He is aware of what is actually best for us. It is necessary, therefore, necessary to match our desires with God’s will.

How to Enjoy God’s Good Gifts

Reflecting on God’s kindness inherently inspires thankfulness and adoration. Any positive present from God, whether it be anything monetary, spiritual development, or a response to a prayer, serves as a reminder of His love and faithfulness.

Knowing that our heavenly Father is ready to lavish us with blessings, let us approach Him with trust and confidence akin to that of children. May we consistently ask in prayer for His will, putting our faith in His impeccable timing and discernment. Now that you know how to enjoy God’s good gift, how differently will you pray?

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for Your good gifts. Please shower me with them today.

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Paul Mokua


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