Daily Devotional – Friday, April 16, 2021
If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land
Isaiah 1:19 (NIV)
My first primary school teacher would give a cup of warm tea and bread to the first few pupils to finish their tasks satisfactorily. I was a recipient of this generosity on countless occasions.
From an early age, I was taught the value of diligence. I learned that hard work is rewarded. As I grew up, though, I realized that sometimes human beings disregarded or fail to reward good work.
God, however, gives me hope again. “If you are willing and obedient, you will eat the good things of the land.” (Isaiah 1:18).
For a nation that was constantly under attack from enemies owing to disobedience of God’s commands, this promise was precious. It implies a close relationship between obedience and material blessings.
Think of it this way. If the Israelites were obedient to God, He would protect them from their enemies. God’s people would then farm and invest in businesses which would thrive due to prevailing peace. Therefore, they would “eat the good things of the land”
If we take good care of our environment, it will pay us back with abundant rainfall, fresh and clean water, and food in plenty.
If we obey God by taking care of His temple (our bodies), we will experience good health and live long while enjoying the fruits of our obedience.
Do you want to live long? Obey God. Do you want to enjoy good health? Obey God. Do you want to realize you dreams in life? Obey God. Do you want real joy? Obey God.
Father, I will obey your natural and moral laws because is so doing I will enjoy life on earth.
Live long, have a good health, realize my dreams live life to the fullest l will always obey God.
Thanks for your encouragement elder god bless.
Thank you, Sister Petronillah, for finding time to read the devotional and also commenting. God bless you.
Very well, interpretation opens one mind to check observance
Amen, Rogers.
Your interpretations opens one mind to ensure adherence
Rodgers, thank for being a regular contributor here and on Twitter. I really appreciate this gesture. I am happy, also, to know that you are blessed by these devotionals. I look forward to more of your comments. Blessings, bro.
The Bible is a manual for all aspects of Human life, Brian. God bless you for being a regular reader and commentator on this side.
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