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How to Find Enduring Peace

Daily Devotional: Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid.
John 14:27 (NKJV)

The world provides a variety of short-term fixes for peace, whether they come from wealth, accomplishments, or transitory pleasures. But these earthly endeavors cannot lead to deep and enduring peace. Rather, it can be found in the consoling presence of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

Serenity Beyond Human Comprehension

Jesus promised His disciples a peace that surpasses all comprehension, even though He was aware of the difficulties they would encounter. This serenity is not the absence of difficulties but rather God’s presence in the midst of them. We feel a serenity that endures the storms of life when we bury our hearts in Him.

In Mark 4:35–41, the disciples were overcome with fear and worry as they confronted a terrifying storm. Nevertheless, when Jesus called forth the winds and waves in His omnipotence, they complied. “Peace! Be still!” He commanded the storm, and a tremendous stillness ensued. Jesus wants to quiet the storms in our souls, just as He calmed the storm outside.

How to Find Enduring Peace

Are there particular spheres of your life where you are finding it difficult to be at peace? How can you develop serenity in your daily life by including prayer and Bible meditation? How can you help and inspire people in your community to discover serenity in God? Jesus is the only source of enduring peace, and He is ready to offer you this precious gift.

Loving God, we are grateful for Your gift of peace that passes all understanding.

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Paul Mokua

Amen! in God we find peace that surpasses all our understanding and that the world can’t provide. Amen.

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