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How to Get Perfect Peace

Daily Devotional – Thursday, July 18, 2024
You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.
Isaiah 26:3 (NKJV)

Human beings pursue peace through a variety of channels, such as relationships, work achievement, and financial security, yet all are short-lived. However, God makes a significant promise in Isaiah 26:3, one that touches the eternal and goes beyond the transient.

The Source of Unadulterated Calmness

This reference to “perfect peace” refers to a profound, lasting sense of well-being that results from aligning our hearts and thoughts with God’s truth, not just the absence of conflict. Since this serenity is called “perfect,” it is flawless. It is a tranquility based on the unchanging nature of God and His unwavering promises.

Perfect peace is available to the person “whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You.” A steadfast mind is one that is focused on God, resolute, and unyielding. To trust in God is to put our faith not in our own understanding or in the unpredictable nature of life, but in His wisdom and sovereignty.

How to Get Perfect Peace

While you go about your everyday business, think about where you are putting your trust. Do you base your faith in God’s unwavering love and promises, or do you rely solely on your own efforts? Remember to return your thoughts and emotions to God whenever tension or turbulence threatens to disturb your serenity.

To get perfect peace, seek God’s presence daily and ask Him to direct your thoughts. Moreover, spend quality time in God’s Word to be reminded of His character and promises. Additionally, practice thanking God always for His intervention in your life in the past and the present.

Prince of Peace, please give me Your complete peace so that I might serve as a living example of Your sovereignty and grace.

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