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How to Prepare for the Last Day

Daily Devotional – Wednesday, December 28, 2022
But the end of all things is at hand. Therefore, be serious and watchful in your prayers.
1 Peter 4:7 (NKJV)

How are you preparing for the last day of the year? Irrespective of whether the year was favourable or bad, we all want it to end on a triumphant note. Some are preparing special recipes and stocking up. Other are booking tables in popular restaurants and rooms in luxurious resorts.

The Final Touches and the Risks

How will you spend the final night of the year? Many practicing Christians are likely to flock churches for overnight vigils. There is consensus that we should end the year with thanksgiving, praise and worship to the Almighty.

Amid the celebrations, though, it is important to be vigilant. One, thieves and other criminals might take advantage to steal from unoccupied or unguarded homes on this important day. Two, the devil will be on the prowl to drag believers down the path of drunkenness, debauchery and immorality.

Satan Plans for the Final Days

If there is anything the devil is most interested in, it is to ensure we do not make it to the New Year. Nothing will give the evil one greater joy than to cause premature deaths, especially of those estranged from God.

There is a more important final day that we must prepare for and it has similarities with 31 December. Apostle Peter had special counsel that would help us prepare for both days, and especially the former.

The End of all Things is at Hand

He wrote, “But the end of all things is at hand; therefore be serious and watchful in your prayers.” (1 Peter 4:7). Peter urges believers to prepare for the return of the Lord because the day draws near.

To be ready to receive Christ, believers must be sober or self-controlled (according to some Bible translations). This raises the possibility of being drunk with the cares and pleasures of this life and falling into the snares of Satan. Isn’t this prudent counsel as we cross over into the New Year?

How to Prepare for the Last Day

Secondly, Peter urges us to be watchful in prayer, when we are sensible and self-controlled, we will be alert or watchful in prayer. Satan is happy when we become complacent in out prayer life. He loves to pounce on us when we lose out connection with God.

The end of the year and the end of the world are important events that require careful and prudent preparation. God does want us to be caught unawares. He urges us to be self-controlled, vigilant and prayerful lest we fall into the temptations of the devil.

Lord Jesus, as I prepare for the end of this year and for Your return, help me to be sober and watchful in my prayers

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Duncan Mutwiri Simon

We are busy looking for money, we have forgotten anything about the end times. God help me.

charles ouma

I remember always as we prepare for the end year examinations, we barely allow our eyes to see sleep, we sit late in the night.. besides that we intensify our prayers all so that we can make it.
Reminds me that as we prepare for the final events of the last days, as we prepare for the coming of the lord we ought to work hard, watch, watch and pray so that we can make it when He comes.

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