Daily Devotional – Saturday, July 1, 2023
…that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting,
Ephesians 4:14 (NKJV)
Whirlwinds are beautiful, but dangerous. From a distance, we enjoy and marvel at their rotations and spins. Underneath them, though, are destroyed houses, businesses, farms, and livelihoods. Gales are equally destructive and disruptive. They bring life to a standstill and occasion injuries and death.
Every Wind of Doctrine
The Apostle Paul describes a different version of whirlwinds and gales that were likely to disrupt spiritual growth in the early church. Paul states that spiritual gifts equip the saints for ministry and edify the body of Christ towards perfection.
The reason for this is, “…that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting…” (Ephesians 4:14).
Spiritual Cyclones and Tempests
Paul envisions a situation where believers mature from spiritual immaturity to adulthood in the knowledge and practice of the faith. The opposite is true. Those who fail to grow in faith are susceptible to strong cyclones and tempests of false teachings by crafty and deceitful false teachers.
Today, we see in society a dreadful and disheartening fulfilment of Paul’s prophetic statement. Crafty preachers have deceived their followers into starving to death, as this will ostensibly open the gates of heaven to them. In the past, the world witnessed cases of believers committing mass suicide to gain the ticket to paradise.
How to Withstand Whirlwinds and Gales
These hurricanes and storms in the spiritual realm will sweep away those whose faith is not built on the Rock—Jesus Christ. If we wholly assign the role of reading and interpreting scripture to our human beings, how shall we know when these people stir up the strong wind that will sweep us away?
The more people refuse to believe and practice the unadulterated word of God, the more false teachers and cults will emerge. Take heed lest spiritual deceptions sweep your faith away and destroy it. To withstand whirlwinds and gales, let ‘Thus says the Lord’ be your creed.
Lord Jesus, teach me Your word so that I may withstand the spiritual whirlwinds and gales that threaten my faith.
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