Daily Devotional – Thursday, December 29, 2022
Beat your plowshares into swords and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, “I am a warrior.”
Joel 3:10 (ESV)
Watching movies from an early age made me believe I was a warrior. I imitated the main actors, brandishing an improvised gun and executing the villains. Our version of ‘Guns and Robbers’ made imaginary heroes out of small, feeble boys like me.
I am Strong
This experience came to mind recently as I listened to a preacher urging Christians to adopt the attitude of a child as directed by Jesus. The preacher reminded listeners that children believe they can achieve anything until they become rational adults who despise faith.
It is this kind of faith and attitude that the Lord demands of the people of Israel when He summons them to war. God says, “Beat your plowshares into swords, and your pruning hooks into spears; let the weak say, “I am a warrior.”” (Joel 3:10).
I am a Mighty Man
The need for every person to come out for battle is so dire that common farm implements like ploughshares and pruning hooks are to be forged into weapons of war such as swords and spears, respectively.
In addition, no one is exempt. The weak ones (whether physically or psychologically) are to proclaim that they are strong warriors. It is a call to join one’s hand with God and exchange one’s weaknesses for God’s strength. That is the winning strategy.
I am a Hero
As I reflect on the battles I have fought in the year that is ending, I thank God for always urging me to go forth in His power and declare, “I am a warrior.” Many were the days I would have given up because of prolonged illness.
Countless times, I was in financial distress, but the Lord encouraged a feeble me to march on. Were it not for His presence in my life, I would have thrown the towel when friends deserted me when I needed them most.
I am a Warrior
When Satan attacked me and tried to fill my mind with doubt about God and salvation, the Lord told me to be courageous despite my obvious weaknesses. He reminded me that He does not call the strong, but He strengthens the weak who heed His call.
As the year wears on, look back and realize how loving, caring, and forgiving God has been with you. Acknowledge that it was only through His strength and encouragement that you made it this far. As you face another year, affirm this: “I am a warrior!”
Lord Jesus, I am weak and deficient, but I hold on to You, because, in Your power, I am a warrior!
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Amen! I am a warrior,
with faith as my shield and Breastplate of righteousness upon me,You will never stop me.
When Satan attacks,I will fight, I will find the strength inside, I will keep the hope alive,when I fall down I will get up stronger and fight for Jesus makes me a warrior.
Amen, Doc
I am a warrior and I can be able to achieve all through Jesus Christ
Amen, Elder
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