Daily Devotional – Wednesday, November 30, 2022
All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.
John 6:37 (NKJV)
Jesus emphasized He would never reject those who returned to Him from sin. However, He underscored the need for wholehearted commitment to God. This is the gist of the Parable of the Two Sons, which He directed to the chief priests and elders.
Shades of Disobedience
Here is the story according to Matthew:
“But what do you think? A man had two sons, and he came to the first and said, ‘Son, go, work today in my vineyard.’ He answered and said, ‘I will not,’ but afterward he regretted it and went. Then he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said, ‘I go, sir,’ but he did not go.” (Matthew 21:28-30).
Rebuffing God’s Grace
The first son is rude and disobedient. He symbolizes those who reject the grace of God, like tax collectors and prostitutes. We have plenty of such people in society. They are antagonistic to the word of God. Many, though, realize their sins, repent, and work in God’s vineyard.
The second son is a hypocrite. He promises to do what he cannot deliver or does not intend to honour. He represents professed believes whose conduct contradicts their calling. They fill churches on weekends but spurn God on weekdays.
Guilty of Repulsing God
When Jesus asked the hearers who between the two sons did the will of God, they agreed it was the first one. Then He delivered the lesson and the verdict, “Assuredly, I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you.” (Matthew 21:31).
Each of the two boys is guilty of disobeying the father just like us. The only difference is that the first son repented and went to work for the father. In essence, it does not matter how far we have wandered from God. What matters is that we return to Him and obey Him.
I Will Not Reject You
The same principle applies to the second son. He, too, can repent and go back to God. A hypocrite and an open sinner are both children of God. He will accept those who return to Him in penitence.
Whether you are like the first or the second son, Jesus has a message for you. He promises, “All that the Father gives Me will come to Me, and the one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” (John 6:37). The door is open. Do not reject God’s grace and mercy.
Lord Jesus, forgive me for the many times I have spurned Your love. Thank You because You never reject me when I return home.
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God bless you.
God grant your grace to be always obedient to your will,amen
Amen, Solomon. May God grant your petition.
Amen…Lord Jesus, Don’t cast me out, don’t lock the gates for me.
May God grant this prayer, Doc.
Met a Poem By John Bunyan a preacher,
But I am a great sinner, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I am an old sinner, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I am a hard-hearted sinner, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I am a backsliding sinner, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I have served Satan all my days, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I have sinned against light, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I have sinned against mercy, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
But I have no good thing to bring with me, say you.
“I will in no wise cast out,” says Christ.
Amen, Doc. Thank you for the insight. This is valuable.
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